Seasonal Bulletin Boards and Displays
most photographs are linked to larger images
Back to School - Welcome to Class 
Winter  - Christmas                              
- Holiday Crafts
- Lent, Easter, First Eucharist
The Wizard is pointing to one of our favorite Back to School poems:  "Mary Had Some Bubble Gum!" The Primary Family Information display stays up all year with the information changing as necessary.  The jigsaw puzzle in the bottom right corner is a first week of school activity.  Each student and teacher writes his name and decorates on puzzle piece.  Extra pieces have words such as cooperation, friendship, honesty, and courtesy written on them.  These words are brainstormed by the students as "words which hold us together as a Primary Family."
Each January we talk about Martin Luther King, Jr. and diversity.  The Montgomery Bus Company bus has each adult and child of the Primary Family riding!  The bus is surrounded by shields which describe what makes each of us special and what we'll each do to make the world a better place. 
- see polar bulletin boards also

Titles of books read by students are written on the individual pieces of this spring display.  We started with "color" teams for the rainbow and then added the blades of grass and other pieces.  Our "Read Aloud Clouds" were added as we needed them!
Craft foam egg wreathes  (Not displayed in classroom this way - just for photo!)
Book Titles on Leaves, insects and butterflies
Lent and Easter Boards and Projects
Mother's Day Project
A Circle of Prayers for First Eucharist
Every person in the school contributed a hand.  Some hands have special prayers written on them.  Later photographs of celebrants were added.
Growing in Faith
Every child created a flower.  Photos of baptism were added first.  Then photos of students "growing in faith" such as reading in mass, bringing up the gifts, or sharing their time, talent and treasure.  After First Communion those photos are added.  Photos changed as new photos were added.
Shakespeare's "Song of the Witches" is the poem shown here.  The bubbles are students.  Frogs, bats and the cat are faculty members!

Welcome Class Door

Each paper child surrounds the poem "A Circle of Friends"  This is a great first week of school activity.
Student Names as Welcome
Door created by another Teacher
Making Crockpot Applesauce!

Each child has an opportunity to use the apple slicer/corer.

A "Harvest" of Our Best Work
Apple Gift wrap as a background!
New Year's Resolutions
Written on Snowflakes.
Winter Poetry Posters
Valentine's Day
Art Project
St. Patrick's Day
Earth Day
Lent is a Time for Growing
On Ash Wednesday the "soil" and seeds were added to the wall.  The bulletin board "grew" as Lent progressed.  Each grade level was assigned a specific part to create.
Celebrating the sacraments helps us to grow in our faith.  Photographs of students and families celebrating the sacraments are included. 

Sacrifices of Time, Talent, and Treasure are written on the flower petals and leaves.
Collecting 100 Postcards/Valentines
Snow Poetry Collection
Each child decorated one letter of the welcome message.  Photographs were added later.
Love One Another As I Have Loved You
We Love God's Creations
We Follow in His Footsteps  Each child traced their own foot and then wrote a prayer.
"Father We Thank Thee"
Plant Pokes or Stick Puppets