Each January we talk about Martin Luther King, Jr. and diversity.  The Montgomery Bus Company bus has each adult and child of the Primary Family riding!  The bus is surrounded by shields which describe what makes each of us special and what we'll each do to make the world a better place. 
One of our major Primary Family (Grade 2/3) Social Studies units is Immigration.  Students were divided into cooperative learning groups and assigned a topic.  The large posters displayed below are the result of group research.
Each student and teacher also interviewed an immigrant and created a brief report which was shared.  A world map was labeled to show where the immigrants researched came from.
After reading Molly's Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen each student and teacher created a clothes pin doll to represent a child from somewhere in the world.  Each doll was then placed on the appropriate continent and if possible, country on a tabletop map created by the class.
Above students wrote about the tundra.  In both pictures cooperative groups of students created posters about the seasons of the Arctic.
Student partners  wrote facts about the Arctic on  polar bears and facts about the Antarctic on penguins.

States Project
Grade 2 and 3 students write research reports on the state of their choice.
Individual maps are placed together to create one large U.S.A. map.
State flags and postcards are also a part of our display.
And To Think I Saw It on St. Marie's Lane!
Students wrote their own version of the Dr. Seuss favorite.
A predrawn and then xeroxed "road" made the pictures connect.  I arranged the pictures in order from close to reality to really wild!
Thematic Bulletin Boards and Displays
most photographs are linked to larger images

Integrated Themes and Unit Studies - Underlined Topics have other pages
United StatesImmigrationDiversity
Polar Regions
Earth Day    Hatching Chicks
Language Arts - Dr. Seuss
Postcard ProjectFlat Stanley       Dr. Seuss

Polar Regions Geometry Quilt
This page was last updated: February 28, 2012
Theme:  Polar Regions
Arctic and Antarctic
Flat People Travels
After reading Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown we begin our Flat Person Project.  Each student creates and then writes in a journal for several weeks.  Journals with "Flat People" on the covers are then sent to family, friends, relatives and other schools across the United States and if possible other countries.  When the journals are returned we share the journal entries and souveniers that the Flat People have collected.
Included in our wall display are postcards and journal entries some of our Flat People brought back.  You can also see the photographs of  our adventures with a visiting Runaway Bunny!
100 Valentines Exchange
We created and then mailed valentines to 102 other schools in the USA and other countries. 
This is a photograph of some of the valentines and postcards received.
A local map is used to locate the addresses of class members.
Students travel around the world by reading fiction and nonfictional books.  Book reviews are completed and posted.
Chick Chit-Chat
For a life science unit we observed the eggs in their incubator until they hatched.  Chick Chit-Chat shows what the eggs might say to each other if they could communicate or what they might be thinking.  Above the display are life cycles and egg poetry.
Ocean Habitat Study

(1)  Student created bulletin board of ocean floor with important definitions.

(2)  On wires are student mobiles and ocean life reports.

(3)  Sand castles created with a mixture of real sand and  glue.

(4)  Ocean Banner created - different year - Facts written and researched by students
Coral Reef Study

(1)  Fish as displayed in our underwater "bubble" that you can enter.

(2)  Coral reef diorama made of macaroni.
Rainforest on cafeteria stage
Whole School Project
Flat People Travels
Another year of Flat Stanley travels! 
Second Grade students created a banner for rural, suburban and urban communities.
Landforms and Bodies of Water Models
Integrated Themes for Social Studies
Integrated Themes for Science
Literature Based Themes
Citizenship or Constitution Day - September 17
Desert Habitat Banner
Drawn and Researched by Gr. 2 Facts on index cards