(information about composting at the bottom!)
Word Puzzles for Children
Activities for Children
Help Farmer Jane plant your garden, and watch it grow!
Websites to Help Plan Unit
Plants at Enchanted Learning - printables and information
Kentucky Elementary School Page - Informational Links, Gardening, Interactive Links
Let's Get Growing - site sponsered by Home Depot and Scotts - teaching ideas for creating a Peace Garden, grant information, catalog
Poem to Use if the Flowers Don't Grow!
I planted some seeds in hopes they'd grow
Something went wrong, I just don't know
Instead of some flowers, it's a cupful of dirt
I love you! I hope your feelings aren't hurt.
Lobel, Arnold Frog and Toad Together The Garden 1971
Spring Poetry collected by Mrs. Henriksen - LINK IS BROKEN 4/7/07
Theme Unit with Lesson Plans, Online Activities, Links LINK IS BROKEN 4/7/07
A Scripted Slide Set about Composting for Kids
Composting in Schools
Soda Bottle Bioreactor - experiment in school with composting
Vermicomposting - Composting with Worms
Worms are classified as invertebrates. Some worms are insect larvae.
Travel through Wendell Worm's World or Ask /Wendell
- learn about worms as recycling and body parts
Roach World
Includes fun and games
Teacher Center
items to purchase including bins and the Worms Eat My Garbage Manual
Worm Bin Project - Lesson Plan - Students learn about decomposition and the worm's life cycle.
First Graders at the Museum Magnet School explore the world of worms.
Includes questions and answers about Earthworms.
Songs and poetry about worms
An online catalog with hundreds of environmental science and nature education products including worm bins
Excellent source for all worm needs - great prices - no hidden costs
Trash can with holes drilled Compost bins