Parents: Guidance while using any internet connection is both encouraged and expected. Some information is written at a reading level above your child's. Site information can change at any time. The school also has no control over "pop-ups."
Stellaluna's Friends
Summary: 1998 Project for 25 Classrooms
Every participating class will research a bat in their environment. If there are no bats in their area, the class may choose a bat that they would like to study. Students will write reports, draw pictures, poems, and stories about bats. The work will be published on a separate webpage for each class. Work will be submitted by e-mail and illustrations may be transfered electronically or snail mailed to be scanned. The class URL or e-mail address will be posted on the page.
Kidz Cave
Ranger Mary Kay Interviews a Non-Vampire Bat - Big Bend National Park, Texas - (KIDS)
Unit from Kidzone
The IMAGERS (Interactive Multimedia Adventures for Grade School Education Using Remote Sensing) Program is NASA's comprehensive Earth science education resource for the introduction of remote sensing and satellite imagery to children in grades K-8.
"Echo the Bat" and "Amelia the Pigeon" encompass two major components: (1) an interactive web site with a multimedia adventure game; and (2) an activity guide with lesson plans and reproducible hands-on activities. The interactive web sites are meant to engage children, while the supplemental materials enable educators to introduce the concepts through hands-on activities in the classroom. Applying this methodology, parents and teachers are able to teach Earth science using remote sensing imagery via identification of land use, exploration of featured habitats, and changes in the environment.
"The Adventures of Echo the Bat", developed in 1998, was the inaugural project of the IMAGERS Program. The web site follows Echo as he migrates through various habitats in Arizona and teaches students the "understanding of light" and the "electromagnetic spectrum" as a foundation for remote sensing. The Adventure offers a directed and investigative approach to how land features look from space, what the colors mean in a satellite image, and how to identify habitats using false color.
Following the success of the web site, an Echo the Bat picture book was released in 2001. The book tells the story of Echo?s adventure in Arizona to children grades K-4, through the introduction of the five basic concepts of understanding satellite imagery: perspective, shape, pattern, color, and texture. The book also contains an activity guide, which reinforces these concepts with hands-on activities for the classroom.
Bats at Enchanted Learning
Bat Unit Created by a Student from the University of Illinois -
Great Teaching Ideas Program - A Missouri Teachers' Resource - Lesson on Bats
Kentucky Elementary School - Page for Bat Study - links
Bat Facts Brought to you by The National Zoo (CHILD or ADULT)
Teaching with Literature

Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
Schools of California - CyberGuide
Teacher Views - includes summary and questions
Lesson Plans for Grades 1-2
Print Resources
Teacher Created Materials -
#2376 Thematic Unit - Bats
The Education Center - Nocturnal Animals - Primary TEC3182
Schooldays Magazine - Sept/Oct 1997 - Batty Over Bats
Teacher's Helper Magazine - Grades 2 -3 Sept/Oct 1999
Make a Bats Research Booklet, Reading Comprehension
Teacher's Helper Magazine - Grades 2 -3 Sept/Oct 1999 - Stellaluna
Teacher's Helper Magazine - Grades 2 -3 Sept/Oct 1998 - Batty Over Books
Teacher's Helper Magazine - Grades 2 -3 Sept/Oct 1996 -
Reading Comprehension, Reading a Bar Graph
Teacher's Helper Magazine - Grades 2 -3 Sept/Oct 1995
Vampire's Don't Wear Polka Dots
by Brenda Dahl
Are all bats hairy, scary things
Rushing past on muffled wings,
Out of caves into the night,
On some silent, secret flight?
I think not! I think they're great!
No matter size or shape or weight.
From radio waves to airplane wings
bats can teach me many things.
Shel Silverstein
Five black bats
Ready to soar;
One stayed behind,
Now there are four.
Four black bats
Hanging from a tree;
One fell down,
Now there are three.
Three black bats
Wondering what to do;
One flew away,
Now there are two.
Two black bats
Sitting in the sun;
One fell asleep,
Leaving only one.
One lonesome bat
With no place to go,
Went hiding in a cave,
Now there are zero.
Shel Silverstein
Little Bat
Small and furry,
little bat,
fly through the sky at night.
Listen, listen,
little bat
as echoes guide your flight.
Swoop and dive,
little bat,
catch insects as you fly.
Hurry, hurry,
little bat,
back to your nearby cave.
Snug and warm,
little bat,
toes hold the ceiling tight;
Sleepy, sleepy,
little bat,
wrapped in your wings until night.
The baby bat
Screamed out in fright,
"Turn on the dark,
I'm afraid of the light:"
A bat can hang upside down
It holds on with its toes
When it wants to find some food
It spreads its wings and goes.
A bat might live inside a cave
And fly around at night
And when it's dark a bat knows how
to get around all right.
When The Bats Go Flying In
(Sung to the tune of When the Saints Go Marching In)
Oh, when the bats go flying in.
Oh, when the bats go flying in,
-They'll eat the bugs that bother the farmers,
When the bats go flying in.
(Repeat chorus)
-They'll help to pollinate all the flowers,
When the bats go flying in.
(Repeat Chorus)
-We won't be bothered by mosquitoes,
When the bats go flying in.
Bats, Bats, Bats
(Sung to the tune of Three Blind Mice)
Bats, bats, bats.
Bats, bats, bats.
Flying in the night.
Oh, what a beautiful sight.
In the wintertime they hibernate,
In caves and trees they congregate.
We all know that bats are really great,
Those bats, bats, bats!
Bats Are Special
(Sung to the tune of You Are My Sunshine)
Bats are so special, they're really special,
But they're endangered throughout the world.
We need to save them-before it's too late,
Oh, please don't take these creatures away.
The Bats Are Flying
(Sung to the tune of The Ants Go Marching)
The bats are flying in the night, hoorah, hoorah! They do their hunting without light, hoorah, hoorah! The bats are eating all the bugs.
The farmers want to give them hugs.
So let's keep the bats safe-all through the year-have no fear-save the bats!
Bats Are Sleeping
Tune: Frere Jacques
Bats are sleeping
Bats are sleeping
Upside down.
Upside down.
Sleeping in the morning sun.
Waiting for the night to come.
Then they'll fly all around.
Then they'll fly all around.
Brown Bat's Beetles
(London Bridge)
Old brown bat is out tonight,
Flying high, in the sky
Old brown bat is flying by
With a -----------------beetle!
Old brown bat is catching more,
More than four ---- bugs galore!
Old brown bat is keeping score
Of his ------------------beetles!
Old brown bat has gulped a heep,
Now it's time for him to sleep.
I don't think that he'll count sheep
Just more -------------beetles!
The Bat
by Theodore Roethke
By day the bat is cousin to the mouse
He like the attic of an aging house.
His fingers make a hat about his head.
His pulse beats so slow we think him dead.
He loops in crazy figures half the night.
Among the trees that face the corner light.
But when he brushes up against a screen,
We are afraid of what our eyes have seen:
For something is amiss or out of place
When mice with wings can wear a human face.