A description of Primary Family written by students. The "real" booklets would include drawings by students.
Flat People travel!
Flat People Travels
Miss Miller's First and Second Grade
Cohoes Catholic School
We read Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. In this story Stanley Lambchop is flattened one night when a bulletin board falls on him. One of the wonderful things about being flat is that Stanley is able to visit friends in California by being mailed there in a large brown envelope!
We loved the idea! First we wrote stories about how we became flat. Each child created a flat person that looked like himself. The flat person was glued to the cover of a journal. We wrote about our home and school adventures. Then we mailed our flat people to friends and schools all over and labeled a map for the hallway. Each Flat Person returned to us with new adventures written in the journal and souvenirs like postcards and photos.
Click on the list below to find our where our Flat People have travelled.
The Official Flat Stanley Site- ideas for using the book and addresses of worldwide participants