Bulletin Boards and Displays
Language Arts
most photographs are linked to larger images

Keeping Track of ReadingPoetryAuthor StudiesOther Boards and Displays

Poetry on a Pocket Chart
"Mary Had Some Bubblegum"
Titles of books read by students are written on the individual pieces of this spring display.  We started with "color" teams for the rainbow and then added the blades of grass and other pieces.  Our "Read Aloud Clouds" were added as we needed them!
And To Think I Saw It on St. Marie's Lane!
Students wrote their own version of the Dr. Seuss favorite.
A predrawn and then xeroxed "road" made the pictures connect.  I arranged the pictures in order from close to reality to really wild!

Dr. Seuss Page
Titles of books read by students are written on colored dots.  Students are arranged in teams.  Team names are written on the balloon baskets.
Book Titles on Leaves, insects and butterflies
Keeping Track of Reading Books
Author Studies
Other Language Arts Boards and Displays
After reading Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown students create Flat People and journals.  We mail ourselves to places in the USA and around the world.

Flat People Page
"Keep a Poem in Your Pocket"
Poetry on a Classroom Door
"Song of the Witches"
by Shakespeare
After reading Molly's Pilgrim by Barbara Coehn students created clothespin dolls from around the world.  This was part of the grade 2/3 social studies unit on Immigration.
Immigration Page