The Snow Blanket
Beautiful feathery flakes of snow
Over the woodland and field they go,
marking a blanket so warm and deep,
Over the flowers that lie asleep.
Snow Song
I like to walk
on fresh fallen snow
the kind of whispers
and speaks.
It sings a song
as I walk along
with crackles and
scrunches and squeaks.
Ogden Nash
I like snowflakes.
Ask me why. Why?
Because they fall from the sky,
Because they seem to dance and fly,
Because they pile up so high,
Because they are so white and dry.
Because they melt in my hand,
Because they're quiet when they land.
Because, because, because,
That's why,
I like snowflakes!
The snow fell softly all the night
It made a blanket soft and white.
It covered houses, flowers and ground,
But it did not make a single sound.
Alice Wilkins
The Snowman and the Bunny
A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny
Looking for his lunch,
Ate the snowman's carrot nose
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
Crick! Crack!
Crick! Crack!
Wind at my back.
Snit! Snat!
Snatched off my hat.
Whew! Whew!
It blew and it blew.
Snapped at my ears,
Flapped at my shoes,
And now I've got only
One mitten to lose.
First Snow
Snow makes whiteness where it falls,
The bushes look like popcorn balls,
And places where I always play,
Look like somewhere else today.
Marie Louise Allen
Snowflakes are filling
Are filling the air.
Look at the footprints
I see over there.
Was it a rabbit?
Or was it a bear?
Come let us follow it
Back to its lair.
Lots of snow,
Everywhere we look and
Everywhere we go.
Snow in the sandbox,
Snow on the slide.
Snow on the bicycle
Left outside.
Snow on the steps,
And snow on my feet.
Snow on the sidewalk,
Down the street.
Mary Ann Hoberman
The More It Snows
The more it
The more it
The more it
And nobody
How cold my
How cold my
A.A. Milne
When All the World
Is Full of Snow
I never know
just where to go,
when all the world
is full of snow.
I do not want
to make a track,
not even
to the shed and back.
I only want
to watch and wait,
while snow moths settle
on the gate,
and swarming frost flakes
fill the trees
with billions
of albino bees.
I only want
myself to be
as silent as
a winter tree,
to hear the swirling
stillness grow,
when all the world
is full of snow.

N.M. Bodecker
Cindy at the Virtual Vine has collected teaching ideas, book suggestions, art ideas, songs and poems, and links for MITTENS and SNOWMEN