Mini-Unit about Bats

Grade 1 and 2 Cluster

October/November 2003



Standard 1: Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions  

The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena.

·  Organize observations and measurements of objects and events through classification and the preparation of simple charts and tables

·  Share their findings with others and actively seek their interpretations and ideas

Scientific Process Skills

Scientific Process Skills

·  Observing:  An accurate report of the senses

·  Model building: used to represent a scientific theory or to visualize scientific phenomena

Standard 4: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.


The Living Environment:


Living things are both similar to and different from each other and nonliving things

·  Describe the life processes common to all living things


Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure function between parents and offspring.

·  Recognize that traits of living things are both inherited and acquired or learned


Individual Organisms and Species Change Over Time:

·  Describe how the structures of plants and animals complement the environment of the plant or animal

·  Observe the differences within a species may give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing

Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life:

·  Describe basic life functions of common living species (guppies, gerbil, mealworm)

·  Describe some survival behaviors of common living things

Plants and Animals Depend on Each Other and Their Physical Environment:

·  Describe how plants and animals, including humans, depend upon each other and the nonliving environment

·  Describe the flow of energy and matter through food chains and food webs (older)


Human Decisions and Activities have had a Profound Impact on the Physical and Living Environment:

·  Identify ways in which humans have changed their environments and the effect of those changes






Standard 3:  Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live – local, national, global – including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surfaces.


Ability to Locate and Identify on a Map, Globe:  

¨         The U.S. –Political

¨         World communities (continents, oceans, poles, hemispheres)


Ability to Orient a Map:

¨         Cardinal directions

¨         Symbols represent places, geographic features, and characters




Reading:  Students will read a minimum of 25 books or the equivalent per year across all content areas and standards.

Writing:  Students will write an average of 1000 words per month across all content areas and standards.

Listening and Speaking:  Students will listen and speak on a daily basis


Standard 1:  Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding.


Listening and Reading

Book Parts

q      Recognize parts of a book:  cover, title page, author’s name, illustrator’s name, table of contents, glossary, index, number of book pages



Ø       Enlarge vocabulary and gather information from:  pictures, stories, charts, graphs, posters, webs/maps, videos,  simple dictionary

q      Gain information from a variety of concrete experiences with print and nonprint materials, such as:

charts, dictionary,  pictures, posters,  texts, videos


Speaking and Writing

Writing Skills:

q      Use proper form of manuscript

q      Use descriptive words



Ø        Capitalize pronoun “I”, first word in a sentence, names of persons, places


 Speaking and Writing

Word Usage:

q      Classify facts into categories


Speaking and Writing

Sentence Structure and Development:

Ø       Use at least 4-5 words in a simple sentence

Ø       Use basic words, spelling words, vocabulary in questions


Speaking and Writing Speech/Communication:

q      Use story clues to answer questions in complete sentences



Standard 2:  Students will read, write, listen and speak for literary response and expression.

Listening and Reading

Ø       Read along silently/track with teacher as poems, simple stories, and nursery rhymes are read aloud



q      Listen appreciatively and expressively to stories, poetry, music, art



Ø       Discover meaning from pictures in a story (gr. 1-3)

q      Recognize setting, characters,  ending (gr. 1-8)

q      Predict outcomes (gr. 1-4)


Speaking and Writing

Ø       Recite nursery rhymes and poems individually and with a group)

Ø       Draw pictures to go with main idea or characters in poems, stories and nursery rhymes

Ø       Sing a song and use actions to express meaning and feeling



q      Recite poems with expression  (gr. 1-8)

q      Illustrate the main idea, characters, outcome of a story (gr. 1-8)

q      Write/illustrate a class book



Ø       Create and share simple prayers

Ø       Respond to stories, music, art through drawing and writing

Ø       Use punctuation correctly to express thoughts

Ø       Speak loudly, clearly and with expression

q      Add descriptive words to sentences


Standard 3:  Students will read, write, listen and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

Listening and Reading

Comparison                           K-8

Ø       Listen to poems, stories, nursery rhymes, and music and form an opinion about theme or idea


Listening                            Gr. 1-8

Ø       Listen critically and respectfully during reading of a story, poem, fairy tales, folk tale, etc.

Ø       Listen and form an opinion about a story, poem


Reading              Gr. 2-8

q      Identify facts and opinions in stories, poems


Speaking and Writing


Ø       Explain similarities in rhyming words                 

Ø       Make predications

Ø       Express an opinion about a theme/idea, and give reasons


Oral Development         Gr. 1-8

Ø       Present reasons for a particular action or point of view

Ø       Speak clearly and effectively when sharing an opinion


Speaking            Gr. 2-8

q      Offer ideas and opinions related to the topics

q      Develop statements to support a view, opinion, or particular action


Writing               Gr. 1-8

Ø       Write or draw to show one’s opinion or review of a book

Ø       Write a simple sentence to express an opinion


Writing               Gr. 2-8

q      Begin to use effective vocabulary in written work to persuade – ex. Write 2-3 sentences simple sentences to persuade someone to do an act of kindness, buy a product, etc.


Standard 4:  Students will read, write, listen and speak for social interaction.

Listening and Speaking


Ø       Recite rhymes with a group

Ø       Share ideas with the group about a story or rhyme



Gr.  1-8

Ø       Listen attentively to others during story time, group discussion, conversation, cooperative learning activities,

Ø       Listen respectfully to the ideas, feelings, and writings of others


Gr. 2-8

q      Listen and think before speaking

q      Understand the roles of listener and speaker

q      Take turns in group discussions



Gr. 1-8

q      Speak in proper turn during group discussion

q      Respond politely to others’ ideas


Speaking Gr. 2-8

q      Give thoughtful and courteous attention to every speaker