Math isn’t just adding and subtracting!!

Mathematics:  Some Teaching/Learning Strategies


First Grade

Mathematical Reasoning

v         Work a large group situation and in cooperative learning groups in which data is collected, organized into tables, charts and graphs and generalizations/ conclusions are made.

v         Use visual patterns in creative art projects and models.

v         Choose the correct operation to solve.





Number and Numeration

v         Use manipulatives and whole numbers to count, order, measure distance and identify location.

v         Orally express an understanding of ordinal numbers to tenth position.

v         Demonstrate an understanding of place value (tens, ones) using manipulatives.

v         Participate in daily oral counting drills.

v         Use number lines and manipulatives to compare and order numbers.

v         Use concrete objects to identify halves, thirds, and fourths



v         Demonstrate master of basic addition and subtraction facts up to 18.

v         Use a number line to count forward and backwards to show addition and subtraction.

v         Add and subtract two digit numbers without regrouping.

v         Add doubles and doubles plus one




Modeling/Multiple Representations

v         Use a bar graph to demonstrate comparisons and differences.

v         Use cubes, tile squares, tangrams and geoboards to copy and build two- and three-dimensional geometric designs/shapes.

v        Use geometric shapes and models to determine lines of symmetry.

v        Use coins and pictures of coins to represent values of money.

v         Use geometric shapes to represent fractions.






Second Grade

Mathematical Reasoning

v         Work a large group situation and in cooperative learning groups in which data is collected, organized into tables, charts and graphs and generalizations/ conclusions are made.

v         Use visual patterns in creative art projects and models.

v         Choose the correct operation to solve.

v         Use a variety of problem-solving strategies to solve word problems:  which are presented both orally and in writing.


Number and Numeration

v         Represent numbers (whole, fractional and money) and place value using concrete and pictorial models.

v         Demonstrate understanding of place value by writing numbers in expanded notation.

v         Explore the concept of rounding.

v         Compare and order whole numbers, and fractions using fractions and manipulatives.






v         Demonstrate mastery of basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20.

v         Express addition/subtraction relationships in fact families to demonstrate the commutative, associative and zero properties of addition.

v         Solve equations with missing addends, minuends, and subtrahends.

v         Add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping.


Modeling/Multiple Representations

v         Model spatial relationships and mathematical understandings using concrete materials and drawings.

v         Use cubes, tile squares, tangrams and geoboards to copy and build two- and three-dimensional geometric designs/shapes.

v         Use geometric shapes and models to determine lines of symmetry.

v         Construct tables, charts, and graphs to display, analyze and explain real world data.

v         Use coins and pictures to represent values of money.

v         Use number lines to represent mathematical operations and numerical relationships.



First Grade


v         Explore various instruments of measure.

v         Use concrete and pictorial models to develop an understanding of area/perimeter.

v         Read and draw the hands on a clock and write digital time to the hour, half-hour and quarter-hour.

v         Name and order the days of the week and the months of the year.

v         Complete the days of the month on a calendar.

v         Identify the value of penny, nickel, dime and quarter.





v         Make predictions and record outcomes from problem-solving situations, explain the thinking from which the predictions evolved and compare with actual results.

v         Develop a wide variety of estimation skills and strategies.

v         Determine the reasonableness of results/the likelihood of results.



v         Recognize, describe, extend and create a wide variety of patterns.

v         Represent and describe mathematical relationships.

v         Write number sentences and fact families that represent described relationships between numbers and operations.

v         Identify two-and three-dimensional geometric shapes by using manipulatives and drawings.























Second Grade


v         Use standard and non-standard instruments of measure to perform measurement activities framed in practical problem-solving situations.

v         Develop understanding of area and volume using concrete and pictorial models.

v         Use clock faces with movable hands and various traditional and digital clocks to tell and express time. (to 15 minute intervals)

v         Practice estimating elapsed and predicted time in real life situations.

v         Identify equivalent amounts of money.

v         identify number of days in a week, days in each month, months in a year.



v         Make predictions and record outcomes from problem-solving situations, explain the thinking from which the predictions evolved and compare with actual results.

v         Recognize situations where only an estimate is required.

v         Determine the reasonableness of results/the likelihood of results.



v         Recognize, describe, extend and create a wide variety of patterns.

v         Represent and describe mathematical relationships.

v         Write number sentences and fact families that represent described relationships between numbers and operations.

v         Identify two-and three-dimensional geometric shapes by using manipulatives and drawings.